The Good Life of Death Valley

The Good Life of Death Valley
We have found an elegant hideaway that has been open for more than 87 years. The Inn at Furnace Creek is an AAA-rated four-diamond resort that pampers every guest. It's the perfect place to reclaim your senses as you relax near the spring-fed pool, stroll through palm gardens to the melody of the natural springs, shop for unique items in the gift shop, watch a glorious sunset from one of the quaint stone patios or enjoy a cool drink from Stargazers Deck.

Furnace CreekFurnace Creek

We visited the hotel to visit Fraser Kershaw who is a host of a new film called, “Behind the Water.” He literally produces life from near death as he filters contaminated water. We caught him near the Native American Timbisha Shoshone Tribe at the Death Valley Indian Community near Death Valley National Park. Kershaw teamed up with the Oscar winning producer Gray Frederickson. He is known for producing, “The Godfather” one, two, and three.

Kershaw says, "I've had the opportunity to travel around the world and witness firsthand some of the worst and best living situations on earth. Sleeping in a hut without electricity or water, to the best of the best. This has reinforced that no matter what environment you're in we all deserve the right to drink clean water. Visiting Death Valley's landscapes gives the eyes a prize.”

Furnace CreekFraser Kershaw

The Ranch at Furnace Creek gives filmmakers a world renown treat for landscapes and sunlight. Stars, philanthropists, lovers, families and everyone in between was walking the grounds during our visit. We know exclusive hotels and this is truly an oasis for the smart traveler. The next time you visit California we recommend you hop in the car and take a ride through Death Valley to experience the good life at The Inn at furnace Creek.

Visit website:

Take a look at the film, Behind the Water:

Photo Credit: Briana Yuh & Brian Roberts