One of the most idyllic waterfront locations in Cornwall, a rich and colourful history dating back to 1859 and a brand new architect designed interior... add to this owners that are passionate about service and a loyal staff that are determined to deliver and you have the perfect combination for what is undoubtedly one of the most exciting hotels in Cornwall.
21st century boutique styling is cleverly juxtaposed with traditional architecture with the sort of flair rarely seen outside the Metropolis. There is an eclectic collection of furnishings and ornaments and this effortless styling is then carried through 11 individually designed rooms, 8 of which benefit from estuary views and patios. Downstairs the theme continues with a space of unique ambience... as you enter the hotel you are greeted by a vista that cleverly draws your eye through the 'Q' branded restaurant, on to the sun terrace and then the glittering Fowey estuary beyond. For any discerning visitor to Cornwall, and as one of the finest hotels in Fowey, The Old Quay House Hotel has to be a serious consideration.
Romantic Getaway